VR game developer and publisher Fast Travel Games made some major new reveals this week including an announcement trailer for sword fighting game Broken Edge from Trebuchet.

Fast Travel Games is probably best known as the studio behind Apex Construct and Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife, but it has been pretty busy these days rolling out updates to its Cities: VR game alongside the announcement of its next publishing partnership, We Are One from Flat Head Studio. The puzzle shooter features a unique art style and mechanics such as time looping and cloning, with a demo available you can find on their website.

Broken Edge, meanwhile, opened up the UploadVR Showcase with a release planned for later this year on Quest 2 and SteamVR. Check out the trailer for the multiplayer sword fighter embedded below:

Cities: VR from Fast Travel Games will get its first update this month as well, with the Metro & Traffic Routing update allowing “your citizens to travel over & underground while also providing mayors with improved tools to direct the flow of traffic,” according to the company.

Fast Travel Games previously published music maker app Virtuoso from Really Interactive and, with Broken Edge and We Are One lining up, the company is looking to grow its publishing partnerships going forward and encourages developers building exciting new VR games to contact them via email to publishing@fasttravelgames.com.

This is partner content produced in conjunction with Fast Travel Games as part of UploadVR’s Showcase.

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