Collaborate with others on buildings, interiors, and urban plans in mixed reality. When it comes to 3D design, having the…
The metaverse is alive and kicking. April Fools Day is once again upon us, which means a whole bunch of… looks to revolutionize VR spectator sports. Cix Liv, founder of VR fitness app YUR and mixed reality software LIV,…
The Under Presents is back with a brand new story. The Under Presents blends VR technology with the art of…
Wendy’s teases a “deliciously different” metaverse experience. Earlier today, Wendy’s officially unveiled the Wendyverse, a virtual world built by community…
“I gotta have more triangle!” Last year, VR publisher and developer Vertigo Games released Unplugged on Meta Quest, offering players…
This next-gen trampoline park makes me wish I was a kid again. Earlier today, Finnish mixed reality company Valo Motion…
In-car AR technology is closer than you might think. Earlier today, holographic AR (augmented reality) company WayRay released a new…
MRI scans, while safe, can prove especially traumatizing for younger patients. Children’s Health of Orange County (CHOCK), a children’s hospital…
The program will cover everything from VR and AR to immersive journalism. Starting this Fall, Arizona State University expands its…