The popular VR comedy show Failed to Render is heading to Las Vegas, Nevada later this summer. Professional comedian Kyle…
Scan surrounding buildings with your iPhone’s camera to receive more detailed walking directions. Apple kicked off its annual World Wide…
Arpara reveals two VR headsets and its arparaland virtual social platform powered by blockchain. Last week, Beijing-based VR company arpara…
Beat Games’ wildly popular VR rhythm game has inspired some interesting projects over the years. Here are some of our…
Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience is open now to the general public at the Olympia Theater in Downtown Miami. When it…
Alyx-multiplayer transforms the popular single-player VR shooter into a buddy adventure. Available now via SteamVR, Half-Life: Alyx offers one of…
Sony reveals new VR games and exciting updates during its latest PS VR Showcase event. Today marked yet another PS…
Spice up your video calls with AR games and party hats. With the COVID pandemic forcing many of us to…
Theia Interactive’s new VR tool takes the guesswork out of designing products and campaigns. Beyond the obvious use-cases of gaming, socialVR, workforce…
First to 30 kills wins in this limited time game mode coming soon to Oculus Quest and SteamVR headsets. Developer…