Somnium Space and TESLASUIT partner to bring full-body haptics to social VR with the Somnium X TESLASUIT DK1.

Ever since Ernest Cline’s book Ready Player One was released and then followed up by Speilberg’s movie version, VR enthusiasts have been seeking a metaverse experience where they can feel the virtual world around them, whether it be a hug from a friend, a playful punch in the arm, or even laser blast to the chest. Thanks to recent developments in haptic technology, this collective dream is finally becoming a reality.

This week, social VR platform Somnium Space and haptic technology developer TESLASUIT announced the development of a full-body motion capture suit complete with 68 haptic points capable of simulating a wide variety of physical sensations, from the subtle trickle of water to the intense g-force of a jet fighter engine.  

In a recent Medium blog post, Artur Sychov, Founder and CEO of Somnium Space, said, “I have no doubt that within this decade the majority of the human population will be using VR on a daily basis to conduct business meetings, visit concerts, socialize with others, or simply have fun during virtual experiences or other types of events. In fact, we can see that the majority of such use cases are being conducted inside Somnium Metaverse on a daily basis already today.”

“TESLASUIT brings the next level of immersion for users allowing for the first time ever to feel Somnium Space’s virtual environment,” Sychov adds, “We are excited to deliver this exclusive and strategic partnership with TESLASUIT team and to work closely together in order to push the boundaries of what is possible further.”

To celebrate this partnership, Somnium Space and TESLASUIT have created five exclusive haptic experiences designed to showcase the immersive capabilities of the Somnium X TESLASUIT DK1.

Raindrops – You’ll feel the rain hit your body inside of the Somnium VR world. This includes everything from a light drizzle to a heavy rainstorm.

Image Credit: TESLASUIT

AnnihilatorVR –  Feel the impact of a powerful laser blast as you battle against other players in this exclusive Somnium VR minigame.

  • Physical XR interaction – Touch other players or feel them touching you while socialising inside Somnium
  • Music – Feel the beat as you dance the night away at the most exclusive VR discos and live concert experiences featured in Somnium.
  • Full-body tracking – TESLASUIT is capable of full-body tracking, removing the need for expensive external trackers.

Both Sominum Space and TESLASUIT are working on adding even more sensations to your metaverse experience. 

“We are excited to partner with Somnium Space and offer TESLASUIT technology for high-end VR experiences, providing a deeper immersion with full-body motion capture and range of enhanced haptic sensations,” said Sergei Nossoff, Founder and CEO of VR Electronics Ltd (makers of TESLASUIT). Nossoff goes on to talk about how the company has focused on creating government and enterprise VR/AR/MR training solutions, but says, “Our dream is to let every VR user experience this incredible technology on a daily basis and vastly enhance their virtual presence.”

Image Credit: Somnium Space

To help Nossff and Sychov achieve their dream, both companies are offering custom limited edition Somnium X TESLASUIT DK1 suits. From July 12th to the 31st, you’ll have the chance to bid on a suit during the exclusive Road2TLO auction.

These auctions are being conducted as part of Somnium land auctions via the decentralized Somnium Storefront on OpenSea. During the first two weeks of the auction, three suits will be available for bidding. On Monday, July 26th, four additional suits will be made available. Suits available as part of the online auction feature a minimum set price. You can bid using either Ethereum or Somnium CUBE’s cryptocurrencies. Here are few things you should know before diving in:

  • Each suit comes with an exclusive one-of-a-kind NFT token.
  • Each Limited Edition suit offers full-body tracking and haptics ( jacket and trousers).
  • Each suit will have your name of choice printed on it. 
  • Each suit will be tailored to your exact body size.
  • Starting auction prices in Ethereum and CUBE will be announced via Twitter a few days prior to each week’s auction alongside PARCELs, WORLDs, and other ITEMs.
  • Winning price also includes worldwide priority shipping. (Does not include your local customs and other country-specific costs).
  • Auction winners will be contacted individually to organize their personal delivery and special arrangements.
Image Credit: TESLASUIT

To enter the auction please use the following link: AUCTION LINK HERE.

During an interview with VRScout, Sychov said, “We are very excited to work with the TESLASUIT team and bring unparalleled sensory experiences into Somnium Space. This is the first time ever users will be able to own the first DK1 TESLASUIT custom-made for them and truly feel Somnium Spaces’ persistent world environment. Ready Player One vision is here and we are dedicated to continuing pushing it forward.”

For more information, check out Somnium Space and TESLASUIT.

Feature Image Credit: TESLASUIT

The post Feel Rain Fall In VR With Full-Body TESLASUIT appeared first on VRScout.

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