New ads have appeared in the last week indicating Facebook is increasing its Quest 2 marketing push with a renewed focus on the device’s fitness and exercise capabilities, not just as a gaming device.

According to AdWeek, the campaign kicked off to coincide with National Fitness Day and consists of a variety of physical ads in billboards and newspaper in Los Angeles and New York.

One of the most prominent ones was a full double spread ad in the Sunday edition of the New York Times, pictured below. It shows a woman using a Quest 2, accompanied by the headline “Why People Didn’t Celebrate National Fitness Day.” While the body text isn’t legible in the low resolution image, it presumably explains the benefits of using the Quest 2 as a fitness and exercise device.

Quest 2 fitness ad new york times

The New York Times ad was backed up by several billboard ads and physical ads around New York and Los Angeles, a few of which you can see below, courtesy of AdWeek and Facebook Reality Labs.

Quest 2 fitness ad

Quest 2 fitness ad

The focus seems to be on how using a Quest 2 for exercise can be more fun and exciting than traditional gym equipment or workout routines, as well as an emphasis on being able to do a lot of activities in a small amount of space.

Quest 2 fitness ad

In a statement to AdWeek, Oculus’ global director of marketing Dave Kaufman said the company was “excited to launch the brand’s first fitness-focused campaign and show people how they can break the monotony of traditional workouts using Oculus Quest.” According to AdWeek, the next stage of the campaign is to launch digital ads across the internet that follow a similar direction.

Fitness has become a somewhat unexpected hit on the Quest ecosystem, with a plethora of apps to choose from to keep working out using VR. FitXR, Supernatural and Beat Saber are some of our favourites, but you can view a full list we’ve put together here.

Do you use the Quest 2 for fitness and exercise? Let us know how it’s going in the comments below.

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