Pico 4 Enterprise was announced today for €900, but it’s only sold to businesses.

The Pico 4 Pro it’s based on is sold to consumers in China. But Pico said it has no plans to bring it to consumers in the West.

There are actually some minor hardware differences between Pro and Enterprise. Pro has 512GB storage while Enterprise has 256GB. But Enterprise has faster LPDDR5 RAM, while the China launch event for Pro didn’t mention that.

This news will come as a disappointment to those hoping for a consumer standalone headset with face & eye tracking cheaper than the $1500 Quest Pro, sold for €1800 in Europe. It’s unclear exactly why Pico isn’t planning on selling to individuals. The company didn’t give a reason beyond wanting to have a clear separation between consumer & business offerings.

Even if you somehow got your hands on a Pico 4 Enterprise, Pico said it doesn’t access the consumer app store.

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