Meta’s Horizon Worlds is officially expanding this week from the United States and Canada to Quest 2 owners who are 18+ living in the United Kingdom.

Meta plans to roll out the service to more countries in Europe this summer after a lengthy invite-only period ended late last year with the launch in just those two North American countries. A version of Horizon Worlds is expected on smartphones later this year and a web version is in the works, but precisely which features extend to which platforms remains unclear.

Horizon Worlds recently was updated to include an asset library to help jump-start world creation and Meta has been supporting creators with both training and community competitions. Meta recently instituted safety boundaries as a default across Horizon Worlds and today announced a feature that allows users to garble the voice chat coming from strangers.

Meta continues to streamline its internal projects with Venues recently moving inside Horizon Worlds and it reportedly ceased work on some hardware projects amid cost cutting. A higher end standalone VR headset currently known as Project Cambria is still due out later this year from Meta, and we’ll be curious to see what next steps Meta has for Horizon Worlds as the company focuses on longer term ideas like hand tracking and face-sensing. We’re also curious to see Meta detail its changes to the Facebook account requirement for Quest headsets.

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