Who needs luck when you have technology?

A new video featuring a unique AR (augmented reality) filter is turning heads online and kickstarting discussions around the impact of immersive technology on the gambling industry. First spotted by Futurism, the video showcases an AR overlay capable of providing an estimated win percentage in a game of Texas Hold Em’ in real-time just by looking at the cards in the player’s hand.

The video was shared by Dev Khanna, founder of a digital storytelling agency called DGsaga. In the tweet, Khanna credits artirilmisgerceklik, a Turkish Instagram page centered around AR technology, which in turn credits Roman Emig, a Cloud Specialist for AR/VR software & technology company Holo-Light. We’re not yet sure how and why the filter was created, though Khanna directly hints at the use of machine learning and 5G technology in the original tweet.

Regardless of whether or not the filter is real, it does bring up several interesting questions about the future of gambling and immersive technology. As shown in the video, AR, in particular, has the potential to disrupt the casino industry by offering tech-savvy players a leg-up on the dealer, that is if they’re able to use their smartphone or headset without being noticed; card counting is legally permitted under federal, state, and local laws in the United States so long as you don’t use an external card-counting device or receive help from another person.

That said, as AR continues to evolve so too will the design of the devices themselves. Casino security should have no trouble spotting a Magic Leap 2 or Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset at the table, but it won’t be that easy forever. Snapchat’s Spectacles AR glasses, for instance, offer surprisingly complex AR experiences despite its relatively discrete design. We’ll have more information on the Spectacles in our full hands-on preview coming soon.

Image Credit: artirilmisgerceklik

The post AR Tech Could Disrupt The Gambling Industry appeared first on VRScout.

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