Into The Radius 2 will be launching as an Early Access title on July 24th for $39.99, and will offer even more co-op action and mysteries.

When we reviewed the original Into The Radius on Meta Quest 2, our reviewer described it as “an interesting but flawed experience,” and any game like that can often be built upon in a sequel. Into The Radius 2 is coming in just a couple of weeks’ time, and it’ll be interesting to see if it offers any substantial upgrades on the foundation laid in the first game.

Players can expect the same survival gameplay as before, with realistic weapons to use alongside other players, or on your own, and plenty of mystery trying to pull you further into the game and the world it’s set in. The price of $39.99 will apparently not be changing even upon full release, which means that fans of the first game can dive in now if they want to, and anyone who’s unsure can wait until they’ve seen the critical response first.

Upon launch, Into The Radius 2 will support two-player co-op, but later on you’ll be able to play with up to three of your friends as well. We’ll keep you updated with any updates the game receives as they come in.

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