We are deeply sorry to our fans and partners for the audio levels in the Winter Showcase today.

The error on our part might be forgivable if this was the only time this has happened with one of our Showcases, but it’s not. We’ve had audio problems before and, indeed, we had resolved to not have them happen again. Unfortunately for everyone who was excited to see new VR games today, we missed the mark again and there’s simply no excuse to drop the ball here. We’re sorry.

We fixed the audio as quickly as we could and an updated version with corrected audio levels is now available on our channel and embedded above.

If the corrected version of the video is the first UploadVR Showcase you’ve seen, or the first time you’ve seen this particular Showcase, we hope you enjoy this collection as intended.

We’ve been casting our net wide for our recent Showcases so that even solo developers can have a chance at getting into the spotlight alongside projects from much larger teams. We still believe in that approach, but we’re going to have to figure out a better way of managing the flow of videos coming to us – and of course triple checking the audio – before we try this again.

Again, to our partners at places like IGN and SideQuest, as well as the viewers who sat through it and the dozens of developers who participated – we are deeply sorry.

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