The Quest v60 system software update improves the boundary system, adds new home environments, and boosts Quest Pro’s performance in mixed reality.

As always, keep in mind that Quest system software updates “roll out” gradually, so it may take a few days or even more than a week for your headset to get the Quest v60 update.

Improved Boundary Recall

With v60, Meta is adding “cloud computing capabilities” to the safety boundary system that it says lets the headset remember more boundaries.



To enable this on your headset you need to enable ‘Share point cloud data’ in Settings -> Privacy -> Device Permissions.

This enables your headset to send the 3D point cloud it generates from observing high-contrast features in your room to Meta to be stored and processed on its servers. The point cloud is a collection of 3D coordinates, and doesn’t include actual images of your room.

This same setting enables shared-space colocation for local multiplayer with other Quest headsets.

Quest Pro Mixed Reality Performance Boost

When real-world passthrough is active on Quest headsets, the system automatically reduces the maximum CPU and GPU clockspeeds to compensate for the increased thermal and energy workload of the DSP processing the multiple camera inputs. This means developers have less performance to work with, so mixed reality apps or modes support inferior graphics and performance compared to full VR.

In the v60 update Meta is reducing how severe this CPU and GPU speed reduction is on Quest Pro specifically.

Compared to v59 and before, Meta says Quest Pro owners should see an up to 34% increase in CPU performance and up to 19% increase in GPU performance in mixed reality experiences.

3 New Home Environments

Meta is also “rolling out” three new environments for Horizon Home, its name for the VR home space in Quest.

  • Blue Hill Gold Mine “puts you and your proverbial cowboy boots back in the Wild West”
  • Storybook “lets you step inside a hand-crafted pop-up book”
  • Lakeside Peak “greets you with an awe-inspiring view of snow-capped mountains off in the distance”

At first glance Lakeside Peak appears to have much higher visual realism compared to most Horizon Home environments so far, and may be inspired by Apple Vision Pro‘s near-photorealistic immersive environments.

Social Profile Mutual Apps

Finally, when browsing other people’s social profile in Quest v60 Meta says you’ll now see what apps you both own and use, rather than just mutual friends as before.

Other Improvements?

Quest system software updates often include updates that aren’t formally announced when they’re launched, so we’ll be investigating v60 for such changes and will update this article if we find any.

Article updated shortly after publication to include explanation of point cloud sharing feature and image of full Point cloud settings section.

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