We’re excited to announce the return of the UploadVR Showcase this December 6th, 2023, and we want to hear about all of the cool and original games you’ve been working on!

We are partnering with the ever-amazing IGN where the showcase will be syndicated live, and trailers chosen by us for the Showcase have a chance to be released on their channels as well.

It’s an honor every time a developer or publisher chooses us to showcase their most inspiring and compelling projects. We know this is a tight turnaround, but we want to make sure everyone knows our priority is to debut new information about VR games. So while we try to prioritize brand new games for our showcases, we also love including big new updates to existing ones too – provided there’s significant new information in the trailer.

Here’s some details about the upcoming UVR Winter Showcase.

Is There a Date Set For the Winter Showcase?

You can expect to watch the showcase on December 6th, 2023 @10AM. It will be premiering on IGN and on our UploadVR YouTube channel.

How Do I Submit My Game For Consideration In The Showcase?

There is no cost required for submitting or participating in the showcase. For creators interested in participating, please fill out this application form by October 25th, 2023. We ask that you commit to embargoing your content such that the video, alongside the information it reveals, will be released first in the Winter Showcase.

How Does UploadVR Select Participants?

From singular developers to the biggest studios, UploadVR is interested in amplifying developers making interesting and innovative projects for VR.

Applicants submit a pitch using this application form, and once the applications close October 25th the editorial team will review each of the applications. No video content is required for the application. The application is a series of questions regarding you, your company, and describing the content you are interested in making for the showcase. Many of the new games submitted do not even have final titles and some have secret launches approaching. We’re looking for new, eye-catching content details relevant to the UVR audience. Think of the application as an informal PR pitch for coverage by our publication of something new and interesting you’re making. You may not have all the details about your game, or complete info on what information your team can release, and that’s okay.

We’ll be making participation decisions based on the potential of your content, the information we have about your company, and the past projects you may have worked on.

You will not hear anything about the status of your application until at least November 1st, 2023.

From October 25h to November 1st the team will review the applications and decide which content we can likely include. Each applicant will get an email from us either asking for more information, giving a conditional acceptance, or stating we don’t feel there is a place for the content in the showcase right now.

All accepted applications are conditional because final judgment will be based on the quality of the content you provide us when you submit your final video on November 27th, 2023. We cannot guarantee that a conditional acceptance means we will include your content in the showcase.

We understand this uncertainty is difficult, but there’s always the possibility of a late change to a video or unexpected editing issue. To cover anything that might fall into this category, we also plan to host a live show on UploadVR immediately following the end of our edited showcase to include additional developers whose submissions we liked but couldn’t include for some reason.

UploadVR also partners with some paid sponsors for the showcase who are given a position in the line up. Sponsors are subject to the same editorial approvals as any other participant, but they can also work with me directly on additional marketing opportunities. If you are interested in sponsoring the event please click here for more information.

When Are Selections Made?

If your project is selected for the showcase, you will be contacted by November 1st, 2023 and expected to send over your video(s)/trailer(s) by November 27th, 2023.

We know this is a very tight deadline, especially considering the hard work and energy that goes into creating a trailer for your software. If the timing doesn’t work out, you can always submit to the next June or December showcase. Applications will be vetted by our editorial team, so even if you are not included it is possible they may reach out with questions for future articles. And, as always, keep us informed about your projects at every stage by emailing tips@uploadvr.com.

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