The Celestial Throne update is available now for VR MMO Zenith: The Lost City, adding a wealth of new content and minor changes.

Developer Ramen VR announced The Celestial Throne update – Zenith’s biggest yet – with a short teaser trailer in late May. We then got a full trailer with a better look at gameplay as part of our Upload VR Showcase last week. According to the update patch notes there’s three dungeons (supporting 4 players) and three raids (supporting 8 players) which can be unlocked through new quest lines. They also have different difficulty ranks to choose from with item level requirements.

If you’re worried you won’t have enough players, don’t stress – there’s now a in-game matchmaking system for dungeons and raids. You can queue alone or as part of a party, with the remaining spots automatically filled by other players before you start.

There’s also new overworld dungeons, 20 new quests, new armor sets, and quests involving brand new weapons as well. We’ve only really scratched the surface here – there’s a bunch of fixed issues, balanced changes, minor additions, feature updates and new content and systems – you can read the full breakdown here.

We really enjoyed Zenith at launch, but noted in our review that it was a solid foundation from which Ramen VR would have to add and refine over the next few months for it feel properly complete. The Celestial Throne update certainly looks to be a step in the right direction.

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