A new trailer shows gameplay and environments from To The Top sequel Super Kit.

To The Top released on Steam, PSVR, and Oculus Rift in 2017 and 2018, with our review praising its approach to controls, level design, and music with powers enabling fun parkour-like traversal over various obstacle courses. The new trailer video for Super Kit: To The Top, embedded below, premiered on PSVR Without Parole and shows a look at environments from the new game, some fighting mechanics, and includes the text “gameplay captured on PC VR” with clips showing vibrant colors used throughout. Overall, it looks like Electric Hat Games took a big step forward in visual design from the first game.

We reached out to Electric Hat Games and confirmed the plan is to release To The Top: Super Kit first on PC and then on PSVR with the trailer giving 2022 as a release time frame.

We’ll follow up with the developers as we learn more about Super Kit.

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