Teaching kids about finances at an early age is a lesson they can take into their adult life.

Adventures with Zeee Bucks is a mobile AR experience that is designed to help youngsters sharpen their financial skills by earning and saving Zeee bucks, and even help them save real money.

Created by Buck in partnership with Ally Bank, Adventures with Zeee Bucks follows the character Emma, a hardworking young lady who is looking to save her money but also wants to be able to reward herself when she comes across something she likes. Together the two of you explore the ins and outs of financial literacy.

But Emma isn’t the only character kids meet throughout the experience. Players will meet up with some of her friends, some of whom will encourage Emma and the players to spend outside of their budgets.

I think it’s safe to say we all have a friend like that.

The app uses AR to create an interactive world where kids can tap on the screen to bring Emma to life where she talks about important financial lessons they can use to save their hard-earned money. Each lesson is rich in storytelling and lets kids explore different scenarios in a way that’s fun. After all, learning and discovery should be fun!

Think of the experience as an interactive storybook that gamifies financial responsibility through AR animation to provide kids with an entertaining and educational experience! No more boring adult lectures about money!

For kids, their first interaction with money is normally around spending, which is easy for them to understand. Therefore it’s important that parents have the right tools to help them learn the other side of spending. 

Saving teaches kids the importance of discipline and delayed gratification as well as goal-setting and planning. All of these things become incredibly valuable as they grow up and it also helps children to be more independent. 

Having something like a piggy bank is an incredible visual tool to achieving all of those goals. 

What is also cool is when you download the app, Ally Bank will send your kids a kit that includes its own little piggy bank, play money, and other information about earning and saving that helps them follow along with Emma. Of course, your kids can use real money if they want!

Adventures with Zeee Bucks is a wonderful tool that you can use to help your kids develop financial skills that they can carry into their adult life. You can download the app today for free on the iOS and Android stores.

Credit: Ally Financial Inc.

The post This Hilarious AR App Teaches Kids Financial Responsibility appeared first on VRScout.

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