Vegas’ latest attraction is an extended reality experience built from upcycled materials.

As history has shown us, it’s tough getting people to care about the environment. What should be a universal issue has slowly devolved into a hot-button topic for many. That said, there are still good people out here working to raise awareness around the increasingly troublesome situation we find ourselves in.

Image Credit: Arcadia Earth

This includes the team behind Arcadia Earth, a NY-based art exhibition that employs a unique mix of innovative technologies to immerse visitors in a mixed media wonderland centered around the topic of conversation. This week the team opened a second location right on the Las Vegas strip. Here visitors can explore 15,000 square feet of VR and AR art as well as a variety of immersive physical installations.

Composed of 15 major exhibits, the next-gen exhibition highlights a variety of ongoing environmental concerns, from the melting icecaps and plastic waste to overfishing and the loss of biodiversity. This includes a coral reef diorama enhanced by interactive AR elements, an LED aquarium, and a VR room that lets visitors get up-close and personal with different wildlife.

The exhibits were built by a team of leading environmental artists using a variety of upcycled materials, making it one of the few (possibly the only) environmentally-friendly art exhibits in Las Vegas. In addition to the aforementioned immersive installations, the exhibit also features other forms of educational art.

“In the room highlighting water scarcity, for example, a voice-over reminds Nevadans how precious water is to their state. As of 2021, over 40% of Nevada is in “exceptional” drought — the highest possible drought intensity,” read an official press release. “Guests are not left hopeless, though. They learn that Las Vegas has already reduced its consumption.”

Image Credit: Arcadia Earth

“Posted QR codes share simple steps they can take to conserve with each exhibit following the same model: educating, enlightening, and empowering visitors. Some rooms link to the Arcadia Earth marketplace, offering a comprehensive assortment of reusable items to help diminish their environmental footprint.”

Arcadia Earth’s Las Vegas exhibit is open now to the public at 3785 S Las Vegas Blvd, Suite #102 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Those interested can purchase tickets now starting at $33 + fees. Proceeds will go to Arcadia’s educational and charity partner, Oceanic Global, which works to raise awareness about the effects of human consumption on our aquatic ecosystem.

Not only that but for each ticket sold the team will plant an actual tree. How’s that for being proactive?

Feature Image Credit: Arcadia Earth

The post This VR/AR Art Exhibit Is Environmentally-Friendly appeared first on VRScout.

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