Lucas Rizzotto, the creator of the acclaimed VR experience Where Thoughts Go, revealed his next project, titled Flat Earth VR, alongside an amusing trailer.

As you might have been able to guess from the title, the project will deal with the conspiracy theory that the Earth is not a sphere, but completely flat. The trailer, embedded below, shows us that the  subject matter will be dealt with in quite a humorous and satirical way as well, poking fun at all the ridiculous conspiracy theories that suggest we live on anything other than a spherical planet.

The experience is making its debut at this year’s Sundance Film Festival alongside nine other VR projects. The Sundance description of Flat Earth VR says it will give players a “chance to live out the ultimate flat-earther fantasy of becoming the first flat-Earth astronaut to ever go to space and prove the globe-earthers wrong.”

“Audiences will take photos of the planet as it truly is: flat like a pancake,” the description continues. “If you can navigate all of the complications on your mission and take that one perfect photo, you are destined to become one of the strangest heroes of our strange times.” You can read more here.

Rizzotto’s previous VR project was the emotional and personal experience Where Thoughts Go. Similar to Flat Earth VR, the experience did rounds at various film festivals before a PC VR and Quest release. It presented users with a series of existential questions, allowing them to listen to recorded anonymous responses from other users. After listening for a while, you’re encouraged to record your own response and submit it anonymously as part of the experience’s ever-changing and evolving gallery for each question. You can read more here.

Flat Earth VR is available as part of the Sundance Film Festival now. Rizzotto says it will be available for PC VR only at first, but hopes to build enough interest for a Quest release down the line.

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