Promising VR mech combat game, Iron Rebellion, has added significant new features in its latest update.

As promised by developer Black Beach Studio ahead of early access launch last year, the game’s been updated with 4v4 player combat. When it launched on Steam and App Lab for Quest in 2021, Iron Rebellion only supported 1v1 multiplayer, but assured that expanded options were on the roadmap.

New Iron Rebellion Update Goes Live

There are some other new additions to this update, too. For starters, there are two new weapons including a long-range single-shot weapon and a fast fire, medium-range alternative. You’ll also get an early look at a new map, Junk Yard, and the mech bay has been updated along with new additions to the cockpit.

Next up on the game’s roadmap is a full release that has all of the multiplayer content included. So you’ll see nine mech classes, 12 weapons, three maps and more game modes included in the final package. From there, the developer plans to add in single-player and co-op features including, if the game really took off, a full single-player campaign mode. Fingers crossed we get to see some iteration of that later down the line.

Are you going to be checking out Iron Rebellion’s new update? Let us know in the comments below!

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