In a pretty surprising turn, Cooking Simulator VR has been awarded Steam’s VR Game of the Year.

The results of the user-voted awards were announced earlier this week. Cooking Simulator VR beat out the likes of Sniper Elite VR, I Expect You To Die 2, Blair Witch VR and even Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond (which actually launched in 2021 but the awards include games released the December of the previous year).

We actually went back to review Cooking Simulator VR over the holiday break and found a really fun physics playhouse. The game has a great career mode for those that value accuracy. You’ll need to accurately slice up food, season with precision and get dishes out on time, all of which is easier said than done. Or you just head to the sandbox mode if you want to cook up some carnage.

That said, many of our favorite PC VR games for the year didn’t rank in Steam’s list – Demeo was missing, though we’ll have to wait until next year for December 2021 releases like After The Fall and Song in the Smoke to have their shot. You can see our full list of the 10 best PC VR games of 2021 right here.

Hopefully this victory and the positive overall reception could mean we see more from Cooking Simulator in VR. We’d welcome PSVR and Quest ports, for a start.

What was your favorite VR game released on Steam in 2021? Do you agree with Cooking Simulator’s win? Let us know in the comments below!

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