Recently-announced VR city sim, Cities: VR, might come to headsets other than the Meta Quest 2 (formerly Oculus Quest 2) later down the line.

Creative Director Erik Odeldahl said as much in a Q&A with UploadVR that will be published over the weekend. When asked about the possibility of other headset launches, Odeldahl replied: “While Cities: VR is only announced for Quest 2 we’ll have more information to share on potential additional platforms at a later date.”

Well, it’s not a “no”, at least.

Cities VR May Come To Other Headsets

We announced Cities: VR at the start of last week’s Upload VR Showcase. It’s set to bring the gameplay of Cities: Skylines over to Quest 2, making full use of motion controllers as you plan out your very own metropolis, acting as its mayor. Gameplay takes place from an isometric, god-like view, though you can also scale right down into the city itself to watch its inner workings.

Currently the game is scheduled for a launch on Quest 2 next spring. There aren’t any specifics as to if we might hear about more platforms before then or after, but we’ll definitely keep our fingers crossed for PC VR and possibly even PSVR 2 versions. Fast Travel itself has brought most of its games to practically all platforms over the past few years, so it’s certainly possible. Don’t miss our Q&A for more details on exactly how the game will play and how it compares to the original Cities: Skylines.

Where do you want to play Cities: VR? Let us know in the comments below!

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