The one-of-a-kind location-based platform uses everything from wind and heat to immerse you in a variety of VR experiences.

Due to a series of financial issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, mixed reality entertainment provider The VOID was forced to shut down operations in 2020, shuttering the doors on multiple locations across the globe, from London and Dubai to Hollywood and Toronto. Thanks to a recent acquisition, however, the VR arcade franchise could be making a surprise return.

According to a new update on the company’s official website, location-based VR specialists Hyper Reality Partners has obtained The VOID assets and IP, putting the company in full control over the unique mixed reality platform. HRP has also posted several job listings in search of experienced software engineers.

Image Credit: The VOID

“HRP lives at the intersection of technology, entertainment production, and themed attractions,” states the company. “Our designers and engineers have created some of the most advanced virtual experiences in the world, such as the groundbreaking Jumanji: Reverse the Curse, and Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire. HRP & The VOID are now entering a period of rapid expansion and are looking for more talented team members to join us. This is a unique opportunity to shape the future of VR and the entire entertainment industry.”

Since the launch of its first mixed reality experience back in 2016, Ghostbusters: Dimension, the Utah-based company has produced a wide assortment of free-roam VR experiences based on major IPs, such as Star Wars, Wreck-It-Ralph, Jumanji, and Marvel’s The Avengers just to name a few. The platform used a unique combination of haptic feedback and special effects designed to better immerse you in each of these “4D” experiences. This includes everything from real wind and smells to various environmental effects and haptic feedback depending on the attraction.

Image Credit: The VOID

According to a report by Protocol, HRP is being led by a former investor and board member of The VOID, CEO Adrian Steckel, alongside The VOID’s former chief creative officer and VP of content. The company has supposedly raised over $20 million in funding so far, promising a triumphant return for the veteran location-based VR platform.

For more information visit here.

Feature Image Credit: The VOID

The post VR Arcade The VOID Is Making A Surprise Return appeared first on VRScout.

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