The latest addition to Bigscreen’s burgeoning roster of video content to share in VR? Free movies.

Today the social hub is launching a new series of movies that can be enjoyed with friends on the app’s virtual screens. The service already offers paid movie rentals but these free movies arrive through PlutoTV and will be ad-supported. They’re available to watch on-demand on the platform at any time.

The first wave of films includes the likes of Arrival, Nacho Libre, Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity 4. More films will be added to the service every month, too. For now the service is available in the United States. No word yet on a rollout to other countries.

And more services are on the way, too. Bigscreen told UploadVR that built-in YouTube support is being actively worked on and other streaming services will arrive in the future. Further down the line, we’ll also see a new Friends System and new options to stream video in VR at low latencies. Recently the app launched yet more channels that brought the likes of Rick and Morty and the Eric Andre show to VR.

Bigscreen’s focus on sharing 2D content with friends helps separate it from other social VR networks and has proved to be a key use of the technology over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Back in 2020, we invited CEO Darshan Shankar onto the VR Download Podcast to talk VR privacy as Facebook doubled down on accounts for Quest.

Will you be checking out Bigscreen’s new free movies? Let us know in the comments below!

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