Game Pass for PC now features games that offer optional VR support, meaning that players can download and play VR titles available on Game Pass for just a $9.99 monthly subscription.

With the addition of Tetris Effect Connected and the VR update for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Game Pass for PC now supports VR for games that offer an optional VR mode.

Game Pass for PC launched in 2019 and offers a service similar to Netflix but for video games — instead of owning games, you can download, play and retain access to them for as long as you keep your monthly subscription running. The service originated as Xbox Game Pass for Microsoft’s consoles only, but eventually expanded out to PC. The number of games available on the service has rapidly grown over the last few years, and includes all of Microsoft’s first party titles and some significant third parties titles as well, including complementary access to EA Play’s subscription offerings.

Up until recently, there were no prominent games on Game Pass for PC that offered optional VR support. However, with the recent VR update for Microsoft Flight Simulator and the addition of Tetris Effect Connected to the Game Pass library, users now have access to two fantastic titles that can be played in VR with a Game Pass subscription.

Given that Game Pass operates as part of a different ecosystem to SteamVR and the Oculus Store, there was a chance that VR support would not launch correctly or work as intended. However, we were able to launch both Microsoft Flight Simulator and Tetris Effect Connected in VR mode with ease, using an Oculus Quest 2 while playing the Game Pass versions of the titles.

For Flight Simulator, you can switch to VR mode in the main menu while your headset is connected. For Tetris Effect, connect your headset before launching the game and it will bring up a dialogue box on launch asking if you’d like to play in regular or VR mode.

With reports of questionable performance and high hardware requirements for Flight Simulator’s VR mode, Game Pass’ monthly subscription option is probably appealing to people who want to try the game in VR on their system without committing to purchasing the whole game just yet.

Game Pass for PC is available through the Xbox app for Windows 10 and features a rotating selection of titles, so other games with VR support might become available on the service in the future. While there’s a chance that third party games like Tetris Effect might leave the service in the future, Microsoft’s first party titles, such as Flight Simulator, should remain available indefinitely.

Have you tried a VR game using Game Pass for PC? Let us know in the comments below.

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