Beat Saber OST 4 will be releasing in 2021 and is themed around guitars and metal, developer Beat Games has confirmed.

Head of Music and former CEO Jaroslav Beck confirmed the news in a livestream today (which is still going on at the time of writing). Beat Saber has had a huge 2020 with multiple new music packs dedicated to popular artists and the addition of online multiplayer, but there hasn’t been a new entry in Beat Games’ own OST all year. Beat Saber OST 4 will look to make good on that sometime in 2021.

Beat Saber OST 4 Coming Soon

In his stream, Beck worked on one of the new tracks for the pack live, confirming that it would be based on an instrument not often used in Beat Saber OSTs – guitars.

“The theme of OST 4 should be guitars and synthetic guitars because it feels like we have a lot of electronic music in the game, a lot of music packs from different music styles,” Beck said. “But really there isn’t anything kind of metal-ish and I thought that some of you may like this. For me it’s a big challenge because I always wanted to do a metal song.”

You can hear a preview of the track above. It’s definitely heavier than many of the existing tracks Beat Games itself has put together for the game, though it still has Beck’s unmistakable style throughout. It won’t be the only track in OST 4 and Beck noted the pack would contain a good mix of music too.

What do you want to see in Beat Saber OST 4 next year? Let us know in the comments below!

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